Affects and Aesthetic Speculations
gruenrekorder 2023
field recording / digital
The album is a collection of edited field recordings dealing with the concept of affective atmosphere and human/listener positioning within the sonic environment.
Over the past years I found myself recording sounds in many different places around Europe. In each location I wasn’t simply interested in grasping the character of the place, rather through long recording sessions I was fascinated to explore how to attune to these places, how to dive and disappear within their sonic textures.
This led me to consider listening and recording practices as tools to approach the atmosphere of a place, which could be defined as the intensity emerging from the relations between bodies and the environment.
Booklet: www.gruenrekorder.de/pdf/GrDl_213.pdf
Recordings, editing, mixing
Nicola Di Croce
Tomislav Bucalic
Graphic design
Angela Pescolderung, Tapiro design
field recording / digital
The album is a collection of edited field recordings dealing with the concept of affective atmosphere and human/listener positioning within the sonic environment.
Over the past years I found myself recording sounds in many different places around Europe. In each location I wasn’t simply interested in grasping the character of the place, rather through long recording sessions I was fascinated to explore how to attune to these places, how to dive and disappear within their sonic textures.
This led me to consider listening and recording practices as tools to approach the atmosphere of a place, which could be defined as the intensity emerging from the relations between bodies and the environment.
Booklet: www.gruenrekorder.de/pdf/GrDl_213.pdf
Recordings, editing, mixing
Nicola Di Croce
Tomislav Bucalic
Graphic design
Angela Pescolderung, Tapiro design
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