Phase 3: sound installation

In the last part of the outgoing phase in Montreal, the action focused on the composition, implementation and assessment of a sound intervention. Based on the outcomes of the two workshops, the intervention took the shape of a sound installation which was created over summer 2022 and temporary “activated” in Place de la Paix in October 2022 (see previous steps for details).

Through the installation I intended to experiment creative ways to address issues of attractiveness, livability and inclusiveness within underused and problematic areas in QDS.

︎︎︎ outputs

Di Croce, N., Guastavino, C. Research-Creation in urban planning: a sound-oriented methodological perspective (currently in the process of writing)

The article focuses on qualitative, art-based and participatory approaches to urban research and practice to engage the topic of research-creation, seeking to highlight its potential in urban planning. It explores the interactions between art and academic practice by illustrating how field recording, participatory workshops, and sound installations are strategic tools for urban research.

Drawing from the overall methodology and outcomes of the research conducted in 2021-2022 in Montreal’s Quartier des Spectacles (QDS), the article puts forward a discussion on sound-oriented approaches to address the livability, attractiveness and inclusiveness of public spaces undergoing dramatic transformations.

< phase 2

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 881822