L’arte relazionale nei processi di rigenerazione urbana a base culturale. Modelli di inclusione e innovazione sociale a confronto a partire dal caso di Palermo
Studi culturali n.2 (pp. 253-274), 2022The contribution investigates the role of relational art practice in culture-led urban regeneration processes within areas affected by social vulnerability. Drawing from participatory and collaborative strategies that aim to promote social inclusion, the study shows to what extent relational art practice can be a key tool to foster community empowerment.
By doing so, the essay explores the limits and potential of relational art practices as compared to the approaches of social innovation initiatives, which are usually using collaborative tools to address the social and economic development of marginalized urban areas.
Building on these theoretical framework, the essay describes the main results of the relational sound art project «Voci fuori campo», developed in the suburbs of Palermo as part of a culture-led urban regeneration process where the author was involved as researcher and artist.
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photo credits Nicola Di Croce