“Beyond the Rhetoric of Social Innovation. Relational Sound Art as a Driver for Urban Regeneration”.

Society and the City: The Dark Sides of Social Innovation (edited by G. Borelli, M. Busacca), Mimesis International, 2020

Participatory design is an emerging interactive practice currently informing different and distant fields such as relational art, urban regeneration, and social innovation. Among these fields, relational art is described as “a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space.” (Borriaud 2002, 113).

Giving this assumption, can relational art practice support urban regeneration and social innovation? Can participatory design be independent from the neoliberal trend that social innovation and urban regeneration are fostering?

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photo credits Nicola Di Croce